ISLE OF MAN! Isle of Man 26km 2h18 [14/11/2019] 2 days after the 26km on the Bailwick of Jersey, another 26km to the Isle of Man! In the same way, I took another flight from Gatwick for a 12h journey, landing in the small airport of IOM and managed to get a special passport stamp. Right at the terminal, 3 local guys where waiting for me at the arrivals. Gary Johnson, Peter Kennaugh who is a cyclist golden medal at Olympic Games London 2012 and his mate, Mark Christian who is also a professional cyclist who came with us for 11km at a pretty fast pace. Well done Mark! Pete came along for 23km and we shared all the hard hills until Douglas City, fighting against a very strong wind for pretty much all the way. Shared stories, points of interest of the Isle like the Fairy Bridge, a little bridge that is important to the locals where you need to greet the Fairies foor good luck, and simply enjoyed some of the most amazing landscapes I saw during a run. No words to describe it! So beautiful, and I am sure the Island has so much more to offer! I got lucky to have a splending sunshine of november but a constant strong wind always against us. The 3 legs symbol Triskel is visible pretty much everywhere! I am really happy that people are really proud of their land and make everything more folkloristic! From signs, car plates, banknotes and so much more. This is not the last time here for sure! Special thanks in particular to Pete who managed to get few more runners and stuck with me for most of the run! You don't run everyday with an olymlic gold medal! After the run, I got to meet my friend and colleague Diogo who hosted me for a warm shower and took me around the little capital of Douglas for lunch and a pint of Manx Brewery. Really nice and friendly town that seems to be really far away from the chaotic life of London. Bought the flag and got some stamps, in the evening I went on a local bus that did exactly the whole route on the way back, until the airport. 52km in 2 days was quite a good streak! Really proud of this mini adventure of 10h that felt a lot longer for how amazing and intense it has been. Slainte! Thanks everyone for coming! I will be back!
